Friday, September 18, 2009

Glee, Sons of Anarchy and my project

I just have to clap for Glee (or maybe with glee at Glee?). It's wonderful to be able to watch a family show with a wicked and sophisticated sense of humor. Chris and I often look at each other while watching and say, "Did she just say that?" We then look at Luc who is absolutely oblivious but enjoying the show nonetheless. I think we have Akiva Goldsman to thank for the mulitple levels. The writer of "Six Feet Under" is consciously writing a family show.

On the other side of the adult TV spectrum is Sons of Anarchy during which we ban Luc from the living room. It's the type of series that I Quentin Tarantino would appreciate. Last season they seemed to aim high trying to tell the story of Hamlet with bikers. It ended up being disappointing. I didn't stick with it long enough to figure out why. But I am pleased to discover that they've traded Shakespeare for Roger Corman. They've traded betrayal, indecision and ambition for gang rapes and porn. As much as I love reworkings of Shakespeare, believe it or not, it seems to be a wise choice. Bikers are just more fun when they're show mindlessly looting, pillagine and plundering.The show is a whole lot of fun.

At the beginning of the week I mentioned that I was blogging in an attempt to find the right project. What I think I'm going to do is continue writing fragments on appealing narrative threads for the next 33 days. On Day 40, I'll begin weaving them together into an online game that will act as a final project for an indepedent study I'm taking on Immersive Learning. At this point I'm thinking about some kind of story engine that will allow people to generate meaning from all kinds of textual threads and fragments.

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