Saturday, September 12, 2009

40 days

I realized that one of the reasons I don't consistently blog is the same reason I'm not following my north star (yeah, Martha Beck does inspire as does Oprah. I'm not ashamed to admit that). I suffer from an anxiety of influence that is exacerbated by the interweb (I'm kind of digging that term). When I sit down to blog or try to figure out a plan for making digital alchemy a reality, I pull away thinking: What do I have to say that hasn't already been said or will be said? What can I create that's not derivative, mediocre or just plain redundant? What can I build that's valuable? But in spite of my anxieties, I can't seem to repress my need to build something that has value. I want to sit at a spinning wheel and turn straw into gold. I want to explore all the different ways there are to tell stories.

So I'm just going to set my anxieties aside and just start spinning. Because I've had success before with a 40-day plan, I am committing myself to spending at least 20 minutes each day trying to turn straw into gold. Part of my plan includes daily blog entries as well as daily meditation. On October 21st, I'll see reevaluate, maybe recommit and hopefully rejoice because I found a way to stay on my path.

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