Monday, July 4, 2011

Mad Men or X Men?

I guess what it takes for me to enjoy an X Men movie is the superimposition of Mad Men over it. Set during the Cuban Missile Crisis with January Jones playing yet another gorgeous ice queen (dressed like Betty in Rome), I couldn't help but seen Jon Hamm/Don Draper in Michael Fassbender's depiction of an angst-ridden Eric/Magneto.

Even without the Mad Men resemblance, I still would have loved the movie. With it's groovy 60s setting, wonderful characters, great acting, fun references to history, and clever foreshadowing of the X-Men mythology, it's an origin story that outshines any of the earlier movies.

Like Thor (another comic book movie that I enjoyed this summer), X Men: First Class focuses on the relationship between two brothers who choose to channel their anger and talents in different ways. Thanks to the work of Fassbender and McAvoy, you leave feeling as if you understand their rivalry. I also left the movie wanting to pick up the comic books just because I wanted to know what happened next in spite of the fact that I know the comic book would offer me nothing like the movie and I do know what happens next. That's certainly never happened before.

I guess I'll just have to settle for Mad Men in the spring.

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