Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Scientific American's Mind

Cool Magazines
I consider magazines one of my vices. Even though I already subscribe to Entertainment Weekly (which I consider my pop culture bible), Vanity Fair and Wired, I have to forcibly restrain myself each time I buy groceries so as not to come home with O, Us, Self, Shape or any one of those magazines begging to be consumed. And I can never say no to the high schoolers selling magazines for their school fund drives. I realize that most don’t share my vice, but I have to spread the word about my new favorite: Scientific American’s Mind ( It’s chock full of fascinating articles on the mind from written from different angles. For example, this month’s issue featured an article on intuition. Heck, all my contributions to Odds and Ends could actually have been gleaned from it.

Ideas (all from Scientific American Mind)
Researchers at Florida State University have found that exerting self control depletes glucose stores. This means that those folks who exert self control are more likely to make impulse purchases. ( Think of the ramifications for dieters.) Kathleen Vohs from the U of Minnesota points out the implications for diabetics. Self control is toughest for people whose bodies don’t utilize blood glucose efficiently. Yet they can’t take advantage of a glucose supplement.
Further research has surfaced to expand on the physiological reasons for addiction. Jeffrey Dalley from the U of Cambridge has found that some people are born with fewer dopamine D2 receptors which makes them less sensitive to natural pleasures and also predisposes them to impulsive behavior and drug addiction.
Scientists have discovered place-tracking neurons called grid cells in the entorhinal cortex of rats. It’s possible that these cells “allow an animal to constantly update its physical location on its internal cognitive map by keeping track of its own movements. That information in turn conveyed to the hippocampus, which combines this spatial representation with other data about an event to create specific, context-rich memories of unique experience.” One of the nifty implications of this discovery is how sensible the erection of memory palaces are.

Has anyone seen Once? It centers on the relationship between 2 musicians in Dublin. I’ve been dying to see it and would love to hear if it’s worth me going into the city to see it rather than waiting for its release on dvd.

Reality Television
I know that On the Lot is not being watched by most of America, but I’m still enjoying it. I enjoy seeing the contestants push themselves. Making movies under limiting conditions is not easy. And I really appreciate the judge’s comments. Unlike Idol, the judges offer valid and constructive criticism. If anyone else is watching, don’t you think that Zach is the quintessential Spielberg employee?
Like Beth, I’m a fan of So You Think You Can Dance. It’s a blast watching those dancers move.

Episodic Television
With The Sopranos ending, Rescue Me has done just that. I have a show to eagerly anticipate each week. It’s as black and as funny as ever. Denis Leary has to win an Emmy this year. Wasn’t that a great scene between Franco and his woman’s brother? If you’re not watching, TIVO it on Wednesday nights at 10:00 EDT (FX).
Sunday nights on HBO might also need to be rescued. The season opener of Entourage made me smile and wince. (I hope Medellin is a success.) But I’m on the fence about John from Cincinnati. The dialogue shows some of the greatness of Deadwood and the actors shine, but I don’t care enough about them yet. However, I’m definitely certain about The Flight of the Conchords. It’s self-indulgent crap.

Have you CT folk been to Latham Park in Stamford? I read an article in Sunday’s NYT about an exhibition which features art created from cast-off materials. It looks very cool, especially the file cabinet creation. I’m a huge fan of art made from found objects and I’d love to hear your thoughts.

What do you think of Hillary’s announcement of her campaign’s theme song? I think it cleverly plays off of The Sopranos finale and actually makes her more appealing. I’m also a Bill Clinton fan and like being reminded of their relationship. She seems to fit so well into the Northeast that I forget she’s from Arkansas.

Web Sites
Looking to exercise your brains? Check out

1 comment:

Ger said...

Hey stranger... you haven't posted lately. You do have people waiting.
